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Underwater Archeology

Image 01Human being has developed relation with water for first ages. People has used living beings in the water as nutrition or protected himself from predatories building platforms or used it as energy source. Relation with water of people has been carried up in this historical period when people used seas and rivers as transportation vehicle and thus details about history of humanity left an important marks that can be interpret and lighten to mysteries of history in harbors, ancient age lagans and trade routes. This young science that examines valuable clues has been named as underwater archaeology. Fundamentals of underwater archaeology has builded in Turkey and developed until today.


About Us

Image 02 Department of theoretical and practical training on underwater archaeology, giving scientific studies for the first time in history of Turkey underwater archaeology by moving the more advanced levels to record underwater cultural heritage of our country and this work aims can do educate qualified scientist . Our students are the underwater cultural heritage, and of human history in addition to learning with theoretical courses necessary for archaeological research and, at the same time in different areas, that is to be used; Advanced dive training, technical drawing, 3d modeling, photoshop, autocad, as well as practical training are also good in every way, trained students taking training

Graduates of our Department, public institutions or private persons and organizations connected with museums or can work in areas related to tourism. 


The Publications about Underwater Archaeology of Our Lecturer

Mustafa Şahin, "Türkiye'de Sualtı Arkeolojisi Çalışmaları ve Alınması Gereken Önlemler", İDOL 19, 2003, 14-17.

Mustafa Şahin, "Das Institut für Unterwasserarchäologie an der Selcuk üniversität in Konya und seine Projekte", In Poseidons Reich X 25-27 Februar 2005, Berlin. Skyllis 2003/04 Heft 1-2, 2006, 141-148.

Mustafa Şahin, "Selçuk Üniversitesi'nde Sualtı Arkeolojisi Çalışmaları", IDOL 23, 2004, 18-23.

Mustafa Şahin - Serkan Gündüz - Erdoğan Aslan, "Myndos Sualtı Araştırmaları 2006", 25. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı- 1 (Ankara 2008), 1-10.

Mustafa Şahin- Serkan Gündüz, "Kyzikos Sualtı Araştırması , 2008", 27. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı- 3 (Ankara 2010), 179-186.

Mustafa Şahin – Serkan Gündüz, “Kyzikos Sualtı Araştırması -2008”, 27. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı (2010), 179 – 185.

Mustafa Şahin, "A new Discovery in the Myndos Harbor Surveys: The West Harbor", TINA Maritime Archaeology Periodical 1, 2014, 64-69.

Mustafa Şahin  – Can Ciner, “Myndos İç Liman Sualtı Araştırmaları - 2014”, TINA Denizcilik Arkeoloji Dergisi 2, 2014, 76-84.

Serkan Gündüz, Antik limanlar ışığında Myndos Limanı ve liman yapıları, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2008.

Serkan Gündüz - Oktay Dumankaya, "The Importance of Underwater Research in Ancient Harbour Cities-The Example of Asar Island", Hephaistos, (In Published)