Journal of
Mosaic Research Dergisi için İtalya'da Tanıtım Etkinliği Düzenlendi!

İskender Mozaiği ve ünlü antik çağ şehri Pompeii’nin
buluntuları gibi pek çok ünlü eseri bünyesinde barındıran İtalya’daki
Napoli Ulusal Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde 29.06.2022 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen
bir toplantıda Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, Mozaik Araştırmaları Uygulama
ve Araştırma Merkezi tarafından her yıl Kasım ayında düzenli olarak
yayınlanan Journal of Mosaic Research isimli derginin tanıtımı yapıldı.
Napoli Ulusal Arkeoloji Müzesi Kütüphanesi "Le Antichità
di Ercolano" gibi III. Charles of Bourbon dönemine kadar geri giden pek
çok antik ve güncel kaynağı barındırmaktadır. Etkinliğe katılan ve
açılış konuşmasını yapan Napoli Ulusal Müzesi müdürü Paolo Giulierini,
Journal of Mosaic Research isimli dergimizin değişim anlaşmasıyla
kütüphanelerine kazandırılmasından mutluluk duyduklarını, derginin Doğu
ve Batı arasında bir köprü oluşturduğunu ve derginin klasik antikitenin
keşfi ve dünyaya tanıtımı açısından büyük bir öneme sahip olduğunu ifade
Napoli Ulusal Müzesi’nde gerçekleştirilen etkinlikte
Journal of Mosaic Research isimli dergimiz müze uzmanı Laura Caso
tarafından tanıtılarak dünya çapındaki önemi vurgulanmıştır. Etkinliğe
Bizans Araştırmaları Uzmanı Federico Marazzi ve uzman kütüphaneci
Vittoria Minniti de olmak üzere antik dönem mozaik sanatına ilgi duyan
çok sayıda bilim insanı katılmıştır.

Dear Colleagues
As Board of Directors of the Bursa Uludağ University Mosaic Research
Application and Research Center, we have deemed it appropriate to
dedicate the 15th issue of the Journal of Mosaic Research in order to
express our gratitude to Prof. Dr. David Parrish, who spent most of his
life researching North African Mosaics, has been involved in the
establishment of AIEMA, played an active role in the establishment of
Bursa Uludağ University Mosaic Research Application and Research Center,
was the leading actor in the promotion of Turkish mosaics and the
initiation of the Turkish Mosaic Corpus.
We invite you to contribute to the 15th issue of the Journal of Mosaic
Research with your articles. You can send the titles and abstracts of
your articles together with your contact information until 15.09.2021.
You can find the envisaged calendar regarding the evaluation process of
the 15th issue of the Journal of Mosaic Research below:
Title and Abstract Submission 15.09.2021
Article Full Text Submission 15.01.2022
Completion of the Referee Process 15.03.2022
Arrival of Corrected Texts from Authors 15.04.2022
Articles whose processes are not completed within the specified date range
will be transferred to the next issue.
Thank you for your contribution.
Best Regards
Dr. Mustafa ŞAHİN
We are
pleased to inform you that Journal of Mosaic Research has been selected
for coverage in Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) products and
services. Beginning with
2016, our publication will be indexed and abstracted in:
Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

AIEMA - Türkiye is a research center
that aims to study, introduce and constitude a data bank of the mosaics from
the prehistoric times till today. The best presentation of the mosaics of
Turkey is the ultimate goal of this center functioning depending on AIEMA. A
data bank of Turkey mosaics and a corpus including Turkey mosaics are some
of the practices of the center. Additionally, this center also equips a
periodical including the art of ancient mosaics and original studies namely
The JMR (Journal of Mosaic Research)
is an international journal on mosaics, annually published by the Uludag
University Mosaic Research Center. The aim of this journal is to serve as a
forum for scientific studies with critical analysis, interpretation and
synthesis of mosaics and related subjects. The main matter of the journal
covers mosaics of Turkey and other mosaics related to Turkey mosaics.
Besides, the journal also accommodates creative and original mosaic
researches in general. Furthermore, together with articles about mosaics,
the journal also includes book presentations and news about mosaics.
JMR is a refereed journal. The
articles sent to our journal are scanned with the “Ithenticate” plagiarism
program, and the referee evaluation process is initiated according to the
report result received from the program.
The manuscripts can be written in
English, German, French or Turkish. All authors are responsible for the
content of their articles. JMR is indexed as a full text by EBSCO since
2009; by TÜBİTAK - ULAKBİM Social Sciences Databases since 2014 and by
Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
since 2016. Articles are published with DOI number taken by Crossref.
JMR published each year in November.
It is not allowed to copy any section
of JMR without the permit of Research and Application Center of Mosaic. Each
author whose article is published in JMR shall be considered to have
accepted the article to published in print and electronical version and thus
have transferred the copyrights to the Journal of Mosaic Research.
The abbreviations in this journal are
based on German Archaeological Institute publication criterions, Bulletin de
l’Association international pour l’Etude de la Mosaique antique, AIEMA - AOROC
24.2016, La Mosaique Gréco-Romaine IX and Der Kleine Pauly.
ISSN No: 1309-047X
E-ISSN 2619-9165
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahin
( )
Uludağ University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Archaeology Department
16059 - Görükle / Bursa - TURKEY
We are pleased to announce that
fifteenth issue of Journal of Mosaic
Research (JMR 17) now published!
